St. Patrick's Church, Summer Hill NSW
04 May 2008

Today, Maya became a child of our (Catholic) God. Donning Bea's christening outfit, Maya was particularly attentive during the ceremony. She was just quietly taking in everything - the priest's soft voice, the waft of perfume from her godparents, the solemn ceremony, chilly air, her sister's excitement, and her parents' cuddles. But that's trademark Maya. The silent stare that seems to linger forever.
Even as the priest poured holy water over her head twice, she was silent to the amazement of the few yet very, very dear friends who were with us.
It made me think how vastly different our two daughters are. Bea's cesarean, while Maya was normal birth. Bea's baptism was a huge, huge occasion with over 50 guests turning up and family and relatives abound. Maya's, however, saw only four people with us during the ceremony. Yet in the stark contrast of these experiences, we still count ourselves fortunate. Our family has grown, and we have found new friends.
I've included a photo of the fabulous cake made by Maya's equally fabulous godmother, Maritza.

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