Published Saturday, March 18, 2006 by maya-bea-michelle-alfred.

UNICEF brings to Sydney the 'United Buddy Bears,' an exhibition of 124 bears depicted in each UN-member country's identity and culture. As of date, it has already toured Austria, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Tokyo and Seoul. Next stop for these bears will be Berlin.

Delighted to have found the 'Philippines bear,' Bea can't help but give it a hug. Personally, I wished it had more vibrant colors.

While Bea was trying to take this picture, a kindly old lady offered to 'help.' With a smile, I declined but said thanks, as there's no other way to capture a beautiful moment than with the eyes of my daughter.

Since it was only Bea and I who went to the exhibit, we took turns taking photos of each other with bears that appealed to us. Of course, Bea wouldn't miss the bear of one of her favorite countries, Egypt.

I liked this bear, although I forgot which country it belonged to.

Bea found this bear nice. Too bad we forgot which country it belonged to. According to the accompanying literature, these bears are supposed to inspire world peace and unity. Hopefully it does serve its purpose, and not just become a wonderful photo opportunity.

Aboriginal art was used in this Australia bear.
Published Thursday, March 09, 2006 by maya-bea-michelle-alfred.

Thousands watch the annual gay and lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney.

One of the 'floats' used in the Mardi Gras festivities. Another notable float is the 'Queensland Queer' which was distributing stickers that read 'Bonk if you're horny.' People were sticking these on their shirts, some on their bums. Sad part though is there weren't much bonking being heard.

Before the Mardi Gras parade began, these beautiful creatures flutter along the park, and every once in a while, pose happily with spectators like us. As much as I'd like to gamely put my arm around these guys, I was scared to death they'd slap me and shriek, 'You're SO not our type!"