Published Friday, July 20, 2007 by maya-bea-michelle-alfred.

What best way to end a hotel stay than with hot buffet brekky. This picture was taken by our nephew, Joshua.

Outside the Australian War Memorial. Strange as it may sound, but the kids actually enjoyed themselves here. Nah, they seem to enjoy it anywhere, as long as they're all together. Oh, I miss my cousins back home.

Bea and cousins pose for a quick photo with a statue of an injured soldier,
who happened to be named Simpson. Nope, it's not Homer.

Us inside the War Memorial, right after a magnificent light and sound show.
The warplanes, submarines and tanks seemed to come alive with the lighting, video and sound effects. A must see if you visit Canberra. It will blow you away.

Bea and her cousins amid a backdrop of the seat of power, Parliament House.
Canberra. Winter 2007

Bea with cousin Elijah in the National Museum of Australia.
Canberra. Winter 2007.

Alfred and I outside an impressive National Museum draped in modern art and architecture.

Photos from inside our hotel room with a city view of Canberra. It's freezing here!

Bea and cousin Hannah check out our hotel room.

Stopping for a stretch and a quick photo while on a long road trip to Canberra.
Behind us is a vast field, which was once a lake, but dried up. Our first road trip
as a pregnant couple down under.
Winter 2007

Bea learns a thing or two about Jose Rizal as she and dad stumble upon this statue
in a Sydney park. Hey, someone's been stealing our national hero.

Bea and visiting American friend Sarah Ivy share some laughs in Luna Park. These two have been snail mailing each other often, trading stories and stickers. Suweet!

Bea proudly shows off a mode-of-transport project on the eve before its big presentation in class. Dad designed the project, and mum, well... the boosters.
Both Bea and mum worked on the speech. (Is it too obvious the kitchen's a mess?)

Alfred at work. (Really, now?)

Bea and her latest best friend, Carbie.

Yes, those are black swans and a pelican! More than ever, I wish I was there.

Lake view with lots of lovely birds. Black swan?!

Dad and daughter hit the streets to get to Sydney's Centennial Park for a stroll and a bike ride. Wish I was there.